Looking Back at the Pilgrimage
From 1984 the Tamil Catholics living in Central Netherland
were used to gather in St.Willibrord church on the first
Saturday of every month to pray to our Blessed Mother Mary.
On one such occasion a Dutch lady told us for the first time
about the importance of the Shrine of Banneux, in Belgium
In the month of October 1984 along with another Tamil family
I made a pilgrimage to Banneux for the first time. In 1986,
during the month of February (the month in which our Lady
appeared) along with two families we made a pilgrimage to
the Shrine. When we shared our experience and importance of
Banneux and the miracles of the Virgin of the poor with
others many showed interest and expressed their desire to
make a pilgrimage to the Shrine.
Therefore in the same year 1986 for the first time we made a
pilgrimage to the Shrine with 20 pilgrims in an organized
way. The name and fame of the Shrine began to spread among
the Tamil Catholics in Europe. Hence the number of pilgrims
increased year by year.
In the beginning we could not have liturgy and prayer
services in Tamil since the Tamil priests were not available.
In 1989 - 1990 for the first time we had liturgy in Tamil
with the help of Fr. Thevarajan. By the help of our Lady and
our effort we could contact Fr. Peteraj who was studying in
Holy Spirit College Belgium in 1991. He helped us, guided us
and renewed our pilgrimage from 1991 to continue three years.
In 1995, Fr.Stanislaus and Fr.Ladislaus helped us followed
by Fr. Cosmon and Fr. Kaspar of Kumbakonam Diocese. We
started with four people in the early stage of pilgrimage in
the year 1986. During the last year the amount was increased
to 800 pilgrims
This year we have our 17th annual pilgrimage to the Shrine
of the Virgin of the poor at Banneux. To mark this occasion
we bring out this Souvenir. When we approached our Rt. Rev.
Cardinal Simonis he encouraged us and he has given us his
special message for this pilgrimage. The former and present
directors of the Shrine have also given their message and
extended all their support to us. We gratefully remembered
them in all our prayers and especially during our pilgrimage.
Of course we cannot forget the people of Central Nederland,
their love and concern to make this pilgrimage meaningful.
When we were making arrangements to organize this 10th
annual pilgrimage we got the help and support of Fr.L.
Yesumarian who has been working among the oppressed Dalits
in Tamil Nadu and now studying in the Institute of Social
studies in Nederland.
Last but not the least I like to thank all the pilgrims who
participate irrespective of the creed in this pilgrimage and
all those who rendered their help to make this pilgrimage
quite meaningful and successful. May guidance and help of
our Mother Mary the Virgin of the poor be with Rt. Rev.
Cardinal Simonis he encouraged us and he has given us his
special message for this pilgrimage. The former and present
directors of the Shrine have also given their message and
extended all their support to us. us always.
With prayers and wishes.
Francis A.X.Pathmarajah.
Amersfoort, Nederland.
God Bless you all